Booking a BombShell boudoir session sounds a little scary. Especially when it is so easy to list the reasons you shouldn’t book a session. “I’ve got loose skin.” “I am too old!” “I am too fat.” “I have cellulite.” “I do not know how to be sexy.” “I do not wear lingerie or even own any.” “I do not know how to pose.” “I wouldn’t know what to do with my face.” “I am not a model.” “I could never look like that!” “I am too tall/short.” “I have kids.” Believe me. I have heard it all. And while your own feelings are valid- these excuses are not.
Ive said it before and I will say it again- I strongly believe every woman should experience a boudoir session at least ONCE in their life. Boudoir Sessions are not like family sessions that you do yearly or several times a year (I mean, they can be!) But, most woman book a boudoir session once (or twice) in their life and for a specific reason. Yes, some ladies do book multiple sessions after they experience their first one! Believe me- it is that awesome!! The reasons each woman books a session, are all different. I mean there are so many reasons to book a Boudoir Session. So, let’s talk about a few, shall we!??!

Boost Your Self Confidence. You will walk into the studio feeling a little nervous and maybe even doubting your looks or your body. But, I promise you, once you get your BombShell make over (hello, eyelashes!!!!) and we get shooting your session- all those nerves and doubt will disappear. You’ll start to see your body in a whole new way and appreciate that sexiness you are finally unleashing. It’s that pick me up you’ve been needing in your life!!
To Love Yourself and Embrace Your Body. As women, we are constantly judging every single thing about ourselves. Our hair. Our skin. Our stomachs. Boobs. Butt. Thighs. Teeth. Eyes. Literally. Every. Thing. With social media, it has become all too frequent that we find ourselves comparing our own bodies to the ones we see on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. I know I am guilty of it!! When what we really need to do is embrace our body. Its been through our whole lives with us!! (Sickness, Growing older, Pregnancies, Marriages, Divorces, Falls, Bruises, Surgeries, etc). Of course, there’s a lot I can say to go along with this topic, but my main point is that booking a boudoir session really does help you to embrace your body just as it is scars, bumps, extra skin and all. And not just once you see your images, but also during your session. You’ll feel so sexy!!
A Gift. Boudoir Sessions are the perfect unique gift for your significant other. Of course, the session can be for you and the results (Luxe Album or Other Products) can be given to your significant other. It’s especially great for a birthday gift, Valentines, or Anniversary gift!! The hardest part about the whole thing, is keeping the secret once your get your images back!!
Wedding Gift. This goes along with the previous reason but I wanted it to have its own point. Boudoir Sessions are a great gift for your soon to be hubby!! Have an album made of your favorite images and gift it to him on the day of your wedding. He will be so surprised and will not be able to wait to get you all alone on your wedding night!!! Tell the photographer what you’re doing so she can be sure to capture his reaction!!

Celebrate a Milestone. Turning 30? 40? 50? 60? Just got a promotion at work? Just got divorced? Lost/Gained the weight you’ve been working towards? Whatever it is- a boudoir session is a great way to celebrate an important milestone in your life.
Pamper Yourself. I am a firm believer in pampering yourself and self care. Boudoir Sessions are a perfect way to do both of those things! You show up and get a BombShell Makeover by one of the best MakeUp artist in town while sipping on a mimosa. Then you’ll get to pick through my client closet for the sexiest outfits and walk around while I snap the most breath taking photos of you. Then you’ll get to order a Luxe Album with all you favorite images and look through it daily. I mean, what could be better?
Updated Booty Shots/Nudes/Sexy Images. Because who doesn’t want an awesome booty shot?! Boudoir sessions are the perfect way to get some updated sexy images to send your significant other or to use for your own personal needs.

I can go on and on and on about reasons why you SHOULD book a BombShell boudoir session, but it all comes down to YOU. You have to be ready and willing to book the session. You have to take all those excuses and throw them away. Like right now. Get a piece of paper. Write down the reasons running through your head that you can not book a session. Now, take that paper, wad it up, and throw that in the trash (where it belongs). Stop letting your excuses hold you back from an amazing experience.
I know this type of thing is way out of the comfort zone of many women, but it is worth it. Now that your excuses are thrown out, you can start writing down the reasons why you want to book a boudoir session.

You deserve to see yourself the way others do.
My next blogs we will discuss how to prepare for your BombShell Boudoir Session, What to Bring to Your BombShell Boudoir Session, and What to Look for in a Photographer When Booking a Boudoir Session. So be sure to check back!!
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