Autumn is a client who quickly became a friend!! She is someone who is always supporting my business by sharing things, posting in my VIP FB group, attends any events I host, and always available to help out when I need someone! She is one of the many people I am *super* grateful for and so happy our paths crossed!
She booked her first session with me after being referred to from a past client who was her friend. She has since booked and completed and 2nd session, booked and completed and 3rd session AND now has her 4th session scheduled with me!! So yes, boudoir photos are addicting!! haha! The great thing about her sessions is that each time- they are different!! The first time she did a normal session, prepaid to get a bonus and then added on a few sets (sheet set, wet set, and shower scene). The 2nd session we did a birthday theme and also red room set up! The third session we did the neon sets! And for her 4th, we will be doing the After Dark theme!! Each time we are creating new, unique images!!!!!
Of course, I will share with you her other sessions, but this blog will be for her first session she did with me! You’ll have to come back for the rest! haha
Q.- What made you want to book a BombShell Boudoir Experience?! What was your reason for booking?
A.- I always wanted to do a boudoir shoot for myself. Sure my husband would get to enjoy it too but it was mainly for me. My friend had shown me a couple of her images and referred me to Michelle at BombShell Boudoir so I booked a phone consult because what could I loose by a phone call.I was on the tail end of nursing school, had a toddler at home, had gone through fertility treatments, and was taking people constantly that I needed to do something to take care of myself.
Q.- Were you nervous about your session? What helped to ease your nerves?
A.- A little! I was more excited than anything but The way Michelle handled herself on the phone consult was so professional yet humble. She talked about the girls shoot that referred me because she remembers her clients. She makes you feel comfortable with whatever questions you may have. And then when you arrive she offers you snacks and drinks and legitimately sits with you while you get your hair and makeup done and her and Lindsey just talk about what’s going on in their lives and it makes you realize “dang they’re just like me with their kids in sports or not wanting to go to school” so it really does make you feel like you’re just hanging out with friends.
Q.- What was your favorite thing about your BombShell boudoir experience?
A.- Michelles energy. Yes the photos and the reveal were amazing however if she was just not her then her brand wouldn’t exist. She hypes you up and makes you so comfortable that you forget a camera is even there. She truly wants to provide the best experience for every client.
Q.- What made you choose BombShell Boudoir by Michelle Lynn Photography?! What made my photography stand out from others?
A.- The editing, posing, and lighting honestly. Michelle poses you in ways that will hide your insecurities and show off what you love about you. She edits images but not in a way that makes you look fake or not like you. The way she does it is honestly beautiful. She does just enough to make you say “wow, that’s my body” she doesn’t thin you out or do anything drastic. She also uses her lighting in her studio to her advantage to once again show off what you love about your body. Also the client closet and having hair and makeup done there was a perk too.
Q.- How do you feel now that you have completed your session?
A.- Confident and I want to show the world all my photos LOL. But seriously I am able to look in the mirror now and see what Michelle was able to capture instead of what I use to pick out. I’m able to look at my album and just stare at myself because it’s me. Not an altered version of my body.
Q.- Would you recommend this experience to a friend? Why or Why not?
A.- Oh 100% and I do! I think everyone should be able to look at a picture of themselves and see nothing but beauty and not pick out things they don’t like.

Are you ready to get addicted to Boudoir?!?!