This babe came to me after struggling with fertility and struggling to gain weight. She wanted a way to celebrate her body and also wanted to celebrate that she had curves now! She said she has always been skinny and really hated it. She was happy when she finally started putting on some weight and saw some curves in her hips, booty, and chest. This babe also brought in her leather chaps because her and her husband enjoy riding motorcycles, so we threw those in for a few shots!! But those gorgeous curves is exactly what we focused on and celebrated for her session!!
And if you would, send a prayer or good vibes her way. Her and her hubby have been doing fertility treatments in hopes to get pregnant!
Here’s what she had to say about her experience-
What made you choose BombShell Boudoir by Michelle Lynn Photography?!
A friend told me about her experience, and it really made me excited to try myself. My husband and I have been having a hard time having children for a couple of years. I thought that maybe the boudoir experience would be good for us.
Also, in 2019 when we got married, I was so skinny, and I hated it!! I didn’t feel like a woman. I was so skinny I didn’t have boobs or curves at all. Now that I have been having hormonal changes due to IVF and have gained some weight. I feel more like a woman.
Were you nervous about your session? What helped to ease your nerves?
I was not nervous, but I got bad news the day of my session. So sadly, I feel like I wasn’t really there in the experience. If I get some more money. I would like to try it again.
What was your favorite thing about your BombShell boudoir experience?
A hobby of mine is photography. Therefore, I really enjoyed seeing Michelle’s creativity with her posing and her photo shop program. If I ever got extra time, I would love to volunteer with Michelle to learn more about photography.
How do you feel now that you have completed your session?
I think it is such an empowering experience for women. Everyone should try to take some “me” time to sign up for the boudoir experience. Highly recommend!!
What made you choose BombShell Boudoir by Michelle Lynn Photography?! What made my photography stand out from others?
When I saw my friend’s pictures, I just thought the pictures were so good, posing was great and creative. Also, the packages seemed reasonable.
Would you recommend this experience to a friend? Why or Why not?
