Did you know, I offer interest free payment plans for all my clients?!
I’d like to think payment plans are the best thing to ever happen for my clients.
A Boudoir Experience is an investment. It’s not unusual for my clients to spend more on their boudoir session than they did on their wedding photography. That may sound wild to some, but the reality of it is that boudoir photography is a very delicate craft that requires substantial overhead and a strong unique skillset. You could certainly find someone who “doesn’t cost an arm and a leg” (one of the WORST things to hear when people are looking for boudoir photographers on the internet), but who wants cheap and crappy nudes? I sure don’t want creepy uncle Joe to take my scantily-clad pictures in his garage studio. Yikes. I want a powerful, uplifting, and confidence-building session – something I can look back on when I am 80 years old to remember how badass I was. I can not tell you how many people have messaged me after booking with someone because they were “cheap” and telling me how horrible the experience once and how awful the photos were. A few have even admitted to crying when they saw their images for the first time- and NOT happy tears.
I want EVERY woman to be able to afford my services. I want to reach as many women as I can because I am on a mission to change the world. No matter what your income level is, I can work with you to make this a reality.
This is why I offer payment plans prior to your session. I will work with you to customize your very own payment plan; how much you’d like to pay and what days work best for you for payments. It’s super flexible and easy, and it really does make booking your dream shoot with BombShell Boudoir that much more attainable. By setting up your pre-session payment plan, you arrive on the day of your session without the worry of having to swipe your card at the end of your shoot for your products because they are already paid for. The system I have setup is simple, you don’t have to worry about a thing!

Want more information or ready to book your BombShell Experience?!